If you are a professional cigar smoker, you definitely know by now how to recognize a
real box of cigars uk, but those out there, who are new to cigar smoking may have heard a number of things from various individuals. Have you been presented with a cuban cigar which was wrapped in a cellophane and been told "it was quite an awesome one" and you should try it? Well, it might have been a counterfeit. This blog will guide you to instantly spot a fake one or even distinguish between an original and fake cuban. Check out the list of things you can observe to find out the difference between a real and a fake cuban.
Generally, while checking out the cigar band, it might be difficult. Let’s make it easier for you to identify the real ones. Firstly, look at the colours on the band, they are not too bright, and a blend of subtle colours that you find on the original ones. Second, the embossing on the logo, mostly, the real cigar bands are textures and not flat. Most counterfeiters want to overcome this, but due to the overall expense it may not compare with the actual cigar bands. For instance, if you buy cohiba siglo ii cigar, you certainly should notice the 5 rows of white squares on the top half of the logo and the bottom half a turmeric coloured with 'Habana, Cuba' printed in italica and in the centre of the logo COHIBA embossed with a white black background.
Before we delve deep into details, have you ever thought why do counterfeit cubans even exist? It is because, if you go to buy cuban cigars online, the original ones are expensive while we all want a fair bargain. In such cases, we cannot afford to buy cigars from just any other cigar shop, but a popular one known for its genuine quality and services. One of the simplest methods to avoid being cheated. Be careful before you go shopping in any cuban cigar shop or online. Perhaps, by checking out the below points can be helpful, if you are interested in reading in detail, you can also read ‘How to spot a fake from a real cohiba cuban cigar’.
1.) Best cuban cigars do not come wrapped in cellophane, at least not since 1992 when only machine made cuban cigars got a cellophane sleeve.
2.) Genuine brands of cubans come packed in boxes marked with Habanos seal in the upper right corner.
3.) Another stamp you can look for is 'made in cuba' which is always on top left. From 2010, this stamp has been slightly updated with a hologram on the far right of the stamp and a bar code on the left. Holograms are impossible to copy and are expensive, so if you do not find this stamp on the box, don’t buy the box to loose your money.
4.) At the bottom of the box, you will find 'Habanos S.A.,Hecho en Cuba Totalmente a Mano' printed in black ink only if the cigars are real handmade cubans you are buying.
5.) Beneath the habanos print, you will see another factory stamp which is referred to as the cunos. It contains the company code and date stamped on it. Look for typos, fake fonts, missing stamps and misspellings. For instance, if you are buying a Rollex watch from anywhere, note the real thing is spelled 'ROLEX', only one L.
6.) Most cardinal point to consider before you purchase a Limited edition cigar box with a
'Edicion Limitada' on it as they are the most counterfeited. Cuba releases these only three
each year.
7.) Cuban cigars never come in a glass top or plastic top packing.
8.) Last, open the box and observe the bands on the cigar.
You should also know what a real Cuban cigar looks like. You should know that a Cuban Parejo has a mounted head (three seams, or a triple cap on the end you put in your mouth). You should be able to detect the oily shimmer on the wrapper. A burning Cuban cigar typically produces a grey ash. If you want to take a chance, get one cigar and test it.So, are you ready to identify the fakes now. Here’s one last clue to a problem you can overcome with smoking experience and chatrooms with aficionados. Some cigar boxes may look exactly the same as the original, but the cigars inside may be bogus in taste. If you abandon common sense and buy from an unreliable source.