A rich history behind best of Rocky Patel Cigars have been reached great success only by arduous work, perseverance, and knowledge. The brand is far younger than others found during the beginning in 1992, when the resurgence of cigar consumption, its sales and imports of premium cigars rose dramatically leading to shortage of cigars. A few of his most desired Rocky patel the edge maduro toro cigar, diciple robusto and his all time favourite grand reserve toro cigar. Most peculiarly, the boutique cigar brands, especially those in the cigar boom period, were founded by gentlemen who were not born into the cigar smoking community nor had ever planned to resume making cigars, until they did. After pursuing a career in law, Rocky Patel advanced towards the cigar industry as he received a favouring opportunity to manufacture cigars after becoming one of the founding members of the grand Havana club.
Rakesh 'Rocky' Patel an Indian born based in Bonita, Florida, worked in Los Angeles as an entertainment and liability product lawyer gradually took interest in cigars while he was surrounded by various famed celebrities who liked cigar smoking such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gene Hackman. Before this, Rocky had never been near cigars. Once he was, he instantly got intrigued by this leisure activity.
It all began in 1996 when Patel had attended a trade show organised for the Retail Tobacco Dealers of America in Cincinnati, Ohio. Rocky felt inspired towards the young and innovative organisations who brought fresh ideas in making to packing and selling of cigars, where he presented the Indian Tabac Cigar Co. Currently, RP has proved everybody wrong by creating a smashing and a popular, highest-rated rocky patel cigars brand of his own. The Vintage 1990 toro cigar is one his most popular make. The boutique brand oversees all the stages of a cigar making process from germinating tobacco seeds to rolling a cigar by Rocky Patel himself. Initially, he started the Indian Tabac Cigars Co. in partnership with Phillip Zanghi, who helped him run the growth and manufacturing operation in Honduras. Later, in 2014 he moved the factory to Naples, Florida, discontinuing the former, and renaming it to Rocky Patel Premium Cigars in 2006. He owns his own tobacco fields and factories where he excels at his craft leading with the highest net worth. Patel had always had the entrepreneurial qualities in him that brought him to the limelight through various investments. Today, connoisseurs worldwide tend to buy rocky patel cigars online while the majority of his cigars are among the top 5 to 10 cigars, rated over 90 by cigar aficionado's cigars of the year list.
Talking about his cigar achievements, the largest among all is the Indian Tabac Cameroon Legend Gorilla in 2000. Rocky Patel Vintage is the one that brought him immense popularity in the markets globally. If you have not yet started Rocky Patel Premium cigars, then you must start with the Rocky patel grand reserve toro or the Rocky patel white label robusto cigar, perfect for beginners. In 2008 his Rocky Patel Decade cigar was awarded a 95 rating by cigar aficionado. In 2010, he launched the Burn by Rocky Patel which was his first cigar and drinking lounge in Naples. After which in 2018 and 2019, He announced the opening of his other lounges in 4 different cities. Ranging in strength, and type; his cigars do suit every cigar smoker. There isn't any enthusiast who would not find his match among the best rocky patel cigars. Rocky Patel prices his cigars at an affordable budget purely depending on the flavours and complexity in blends. Fortunately, we will discuss in detail about the latest and most exclusive of all 40 Rocky Patel cigar series in our next blog coming soon!